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July 17th, 2023 · 7 min read

How to maximize the employee lifecycle through L&D

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What is the employee lifecycle?

Employee lifecycle phases

  • Attraction
    In this phase, your company is actively seeking out ways to attract prospective employees.
  • Recruitment
    During this phase, the job candidate enters into formal communications with your company. This can include sub-phases such as initial contact, the interview process and the final job offer and negotiation.
  • Onboarding
    This time period immediately follows the recruitment stage. During onboarding, the new hire is integrated into the organization through various learning and training processes that introduce them to their role, as well as the company’s structure, values and mission.
  • Development
    Once a new hire has completed onboarding, they enter a prolonged development phase. During this time, employees should have access to a variety of learning and development opportunities that keep them engaged and help support their advancement. Employees may experience upward or lateral mobility at your company as a result of their learning efforts and improved performance.
  • Retention
    This phase is built on the work of recruitment, onboarding and development. Retention efforts last for the duration of an employee’s time at your company and focus on keeping talent as long as possible. The better the experience an individual has in the previous phases, the more likely they are to be engaged and stay with your organization.
  • Exit
    While turnover is something you seek to avoid, it’s still inevitable. Employees either stay with a company or separate, whether voluntarily, such as retirement or resignation, or as a result of termination.

    Whatever the case, you’ll want to gather critical feedback on their employee experience. Even more importantly, close out their time at your company on the best terms possible, regardless of the cause of departure.
  • Advocacy
    An employee’s experience throughout their time at a company drives their view of the organization and, for good or for bad, influences what they will say to others when they leave. 

    People trust the words of a former employee far more than other recruiting channels, and a ringing endorsement of your organization can go miles in effective recruiting. Likewise, a negative take by a former employee can throw up red flags for potential hires, making them think carefully before applying or accepting a job offer. 

How to maximize the employee lifecycle through learning and development

Attraction and recruitment

  • Opportunities for learning and career development rank as a top five motivator for employees considering a job offer. 
  • More than 90% of employees said they’d stay at a company that invested in helping them learn. Conversely, when companies fail to offer compelling L&D, people leave (or don’t join the company in the first place).




Exit and advocacy

Employee lifetime value and the employee lifecycle

The employee life cycle and beyond

You can address talent development challenges