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November 22nd, 2022 · 6 min read

The critical role of L&D in improving employee retention

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Understanding employee retention

The data behind employee learning and retention

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Where traditional learning programs go wrong for employee retention

  • L&D exists in a silo
    In many cases, L&D departments get boxed into a silo and as a result, the programs aren’t strategically aligned with greater business objectives outside of Human Resources. This is a backward approach — especially when future-ready skills and workforce development are top-of-mind for nearly every business right now. 
  • Lack of alignment with company culture
    For workplace learning to become widespread, it has to be integrated into existing company culture. Without this, many employees might not even be aware that your organization offers L&D opportunities or have the confidence to take advantage of them.
  • There’s no way to measure success
    You can’t tie retention to learning if you have no way to measure the functionality and effectiveness of your programs in the first place. This also means you won’t be able to identify problem areas that may be hurting retention.
  • No recognition or plan for how learning will benefit employees
    InStride data shows that employees want to see tangible career outcomes before they make the leap to take part in workplace learning. In other words, taking a training course or enrolling in an employer-sponsored degree program are time commitments. Self-improvement aside, employees want to know that their time and effort is going to pay off in the form of advancement or getting on a desired career trajectory. 

Key components of employee retention and how to positively influence them through learning

Employee morale

Employee motivation

Employee engagement

Employee satisfaction

The value of L&D for retaining employees

You can address talent development challenges