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July 24th, 2024 · 5 min read

Talent mapping: Your blueprint for a future-ready workforce

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What is talent mapping?

Who is responsible for talent mapping?

  • Recruitment teams use talent mapping to inform hiring strategy
  • The L&D department uses talent mapping findings to guide employee training and education programs
  • HR relies on talent mapping for specific talent management practices, such as in succession planning
  • Other non-HR departments may also desire to have input in the talent mapping process if they have significant skills gaps that need to be addressed

The benefits of talent mapping

Uncover skills gaps

call-to-action to explore our skills gap analysis template

Inform succession planning

Foster a culture of learning and development

The talent mapping process

Step 1: Define skills and competencies

  • Revise job descriptions to clarify how the role was originally defined, how the role has evolved since the job description was developed and the requirements for each role. You may need to meet with people managers to get all the information you need.
  • If your company uses a skills taxonomy, update it to ensure that it’s aligned with current and future needs.  
  • If your company has dedicated career paths, revisit them to see which skills and competencies are needed to move your employees along those paths. 

Step 2: Uncover critical skills gaps

Step 3: Assess employee potential

Step 4: Turn your findings into action

  • Develop a proactive hiring plan: Collaborate with the recruitment team to develop a strategic hiring plan.
  • Evaluate learning and development: Work with the L&D team to assess the effectiveness of existing initiatives in promoting skills development and employee mobility.
  • Update succession plans: Revisit and adjust existing succession plans based on your new insights.

Talent mapping: Upfront investment for long-term success 

You can address talent development challenges